
Discover 5 Exercises And Activity Modifications In Patients With Back Pain

Exercise and activity modifications are an integral part of managing back pain, yet most patients lack sufficient information about the available options. Many of us go through our lives doing what we were told to do. We get good grades, we get married, we get jobs, we get promotions. And then, at some point, something happens. We’re told to stop doing something and instead do something else. And then the cycle starts again. But there’s one thing you can’t stop doing. You can’t stop exercising.


People who are suffering from back pain are more likely to avoid physical activities than those without back pain. That’s a real issue because physical activity can lead to positive results in treating back pain and back pain itself.


A major source of back pain is injury. Other factors include: obesity, poor posture, and prolonged periods of sitting. Most back pain is transient, lasting less than 3 months, and resolves spontaneously in most cases. Back pain is classified into two categories: acute and chronic. Acute back pain is typically related to a recent injury, infection, inflammation, or compression of a nerve root or spinal cord. This type of pain usually improves after the cause is resolved. Chronic back pain is typically associated with a degenerative disease, such as arthritis or osteoporosis. There is no single effective treatment for chronic back pain. Patients with persistent back pain may benefit from exercise, physical therapy, medication, or surgery. Physical therapy, which involves manipulation and exercises, is often the first step in treating patients with acute back pain. Exercise, such as stretching, walking, and swimming, is commonly used to treat patients with chronic back pain.


To optimize our back health, we need to exercise and modify our activities. These are the 5 most important activities to get you back on track:


  1. Wall Squat
  2. Sit-Ups
  3. Dead Lift
  4. Plank
  5. Lunges
    1. Wall Squat

There are several ways to modify the Wall squat exercise. By taking a few simple steps, you can increase the safety of the movement and reduce potential injury risks. You can reduce back pain by making sure you aim to go sit on a chair when you do a Wall squat. You can use a Pilates ball to ease the gliding motion. You may also want to perform the movement using lighter weights or in fewer sets to start with.   

The wall squat is an effective exercise that works the muscles of the upper back, lower back, hips, and thighs. It also helps to strengthen the rest of the muscles in the legs. There are so many people out there who suffer from back pain. You don’t have to go through that pain anymore because this exercise can help you.

2. Modified Sit-Ups


While sit-ups are generally considered one of the best ways to strengthen abdominal muscles, those who have back problems or who are older may not be able to do them properly without experiencing pain. That’s why people who are suffering from back pain should consider doing modified sit-ups. These can be done using a chair, which can increase stability while limiting excessive movement of the spine. Before you attempt to to a sit-up, place your lower legs on a chair and maintain a 90 degree hip and knee bent.


A sit-up exercise modification is good to reduce back pain. When doing sit-ups, you should only raise your head and shoulders while keeping your low back flat on the floor as well as your hips and feet. If you feel pain in your lower back, you shouldn’t continue with the exercise as your technique is wrong. Another way to reduce back pain is to try doing another modified version of the sit-up. Instead of lying flat on the floor, you should lay on your side with your body propped up on an exercise ball. And do a crunch. Remember to turn onto both sides and do a couple of repetitions.


3. Dead Lift

Many people don’t realize the dead lift is an excellent exercise for strengthening your back muscles, but it can also cause back pain if done incorrectly. The dead lift is performed by pulling a weight off the floor and keeping your back straight while standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Then you lower the bar so that  your shoulders  try reach your thighs. The dead lift is considered one of the strongest and most important compound exercises you can do. The exercise increases muscle mass, strength, power, endurance, and aerobic fitness. Dead lifts have even been shown to reduce risk of injury, depression, and stress. Consult and expert if you are not sure how to do a dead lift. The key to exercise is the technique to get optimal results.

4. Plank

You’ll find that the plank exercise is one of the most popular strength training exercises. It’s a simple exercise that works the core muscles and builds up the strength of the abdominal muscles. The plank is a core exercise for both men and women because it targets the lower abdominals. If you want to modify the plank to minimize back pain, perform the exercise on the floor with your knees bent. Take weight on your knees and elbows. Build strength in your back by aiming to plank for two minutes. Hold your maximum amount of seconds until failure, and rest. You have mastered the plank if you can hold the position for 2 minutes


The plank exercise is one of the best exercises you can do to increase your strength. It can also help you to improve your balance. In fact, this exercise is very effective to get rid of back pain. If you are experiencing back pain, it is important that you use this exercise to relieve your pain. If you spend too much time sitting down, you could develop back problems. To prevent this problem, you should get up and move around from time to time. For this reason, it is very important that you work on the plank exercise. It will strengthen your core muscles and help you to stay healthy. 


5. Lunges

 The lunge is used in many athletic activities, including running, golfing, and gymnastics.

The safest lunge is a backward lunge. The lunge is a simple movement that is done while standing, then step backwards and try and put one knee on the ground. If you find that difficult you should use  a chair to help support you during the downward and upward movement. Technique is key. Make sure that with your front leg your knee always stay on top of your front foot. . Lunges strengthen the muscles around the hip, pelvis, and lower back, and improve balance and posture.



In conclusion, back pain is a condition that affects a large number of people worldwide. As a result, there is a growing interest in identifying better treatment options that help patients deal with back pain effectively and quickly. Fortunately, there are a number of exercises and activity modifications that are shown to be effective in managing back pain and reducing the risk of recurrence. Patients who were given a prescription for the exercise program had significantly better pain relief and functional improvements than those who received a prescription for pain medications alone. It’s important to note that these exercise programs do not require special equipment and are highly adaptable to all types of back conditions and physical ability levels.


I hope this blog has been a helpful guide to those seeking ways to reduce back pain. I would encourage you to experiment with different activities and exercise regimes in order to determine which ones work best for you. I am confident that you will find something that suits you, and will hopefully help you improve your health and reduce your risk of back injury. Exercise and activity modification are recommended in order to reduce pain, increase flexibility, improve posture and range of motion, prevent muscle atrophy, and enhance muscle strength. This helps to protect the back muscles and maintain proper alignment of the spine.


Don’t let back pain stop you from doing what you love and living a happy life. Get started for self-help pain management for a Healthy Back at https://www.ptx.co.za


Ryk Eksteen is an experienced and qualified physiotherapist with practices in Pretoria area of South Africa doing what he passionately love most, helping patients relieving pain and regaining their lives.


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